我们恪守我们的社会责任——无论是地方的还是国际的。 我们于2017 年发起的“是的,我们关心”倡议,作为此倡议的一部分,我们每年都在以实际行动支持一些公益组织,他们一直在为全球回收和循环经济做贡献。目前我们在为ASASE 基金会和‘用塑料购买食品’组织提供支持,ASASE基金会在塑料污染严重的加纳首都阿克拉收集废物并将其回收成消费品;’用塑料购买食品’组织则在印度、尼加拉瓜和加纳的某些地区推行‘用收集的塑料瓶来支付食品’的理念。
我们在可持续发展方面的努力也得到了认可。 例如,凯孚尔于 2021 年通过独立审核,并荣获 EcoVadis 可持续发展银牌。这标志着凯孚尔在所有EcoVadis 审核的公司中排名前 25%,在行业中排名前10%。同年,凯孚尔还在德国可持续发展设计类比赛中进入最后82 名的决赛。在一千多名参赛者中仅能进入决赛就是对布鲁克纳集团诸多努力的进一步肯定。
At Brückner Group, it is particularly important to us to comply with human and environmental rights and thus fulfil our corporate duty of care. We want to achieve our economic success only in accordance with internationally recognized human rights standards. We always keep an eye on the effects our business activities and concrete actions have on people and the environment, and what we can do to ensure that the relevant rights are respected. In this context, we do not only feel responsible for our own actions but also expect our business partners to act in compliance with our standards and values.
At the heart of our corporate culture is a globally valid Code of Conduct. The guidelines it contains represent our inner compass, the uniform standards of which determine our decisions and actions all over the world. Our employees work exclusively in accordance with this code.
Important guiding principles for our corporate culture and our Code of Conduct are:
Through our robust compliance management system, regular communication and training, as well as defined responsibilities at group and company level, we ensure that the above-mentioned values and principles are adhered to.
From 2024, Brückner Group is going to be subject to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act which contains provisions for monitoring human and environmental rights within our own company and in the supply chain. By April 2025 at the latest, we will submit the first due diligence report to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and also publish it on this page.
We already fulfil many of the legal requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. When selecting suppliers and business partners, for instance, we attach great importance to ensuring that they act in accordance with our principles and in compliance with the applicable laws. Serious violations may even result in the termination of the business relationship.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct is part of our procurement terms and conditions and determines the principles of collaboration with our business partners.
Furthermore, in preparation for the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, we have developed a special analysis tool that serves to carry out an abstract supplier risk assessment. The analysis allows for a systematic overview of those countries and suppliers which could potentially pose the highest risks and which we should therefore pay particular attention to. The supplier’s activity sector is also taken into account here.
A detailed analysis regarding the environmental rights specified in the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act has revealed that there is currently no increased risk of a breach on our part or by one of our main suppliers due to our business activities.
Any possible violations of compliance, environmental and human rights can be communicated via our whistleblower system. This is made available by an external provider, and all reports will be processed securely, confidentially and, if requested, anonymously. This system can be used worldwide and around the clock.
We take any information seriously. We therefore check every report for its veracity and initiate corrective action, if necessary. If the initial suspicions are not confirmed, the person who submitted the information will be given a reason.
In addition, employees can also contact the respective compliance managers or the HR departments on site in the event of complaints.
Our human rights officers at Group level and individual company level monitor human rights risks and the processing of corresponding complaints.
The overall status in the field of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is reported to the management of Brückner Group at regular intervals. Among other things, this report incorporates the results of the supplier risk analysis and the specific measures taken, as well as the efforts of the human rights officers in the internal monitoring of human rights risks. The status of reported (potential) infringements is also taken into account.
通过2017 年发起“是的,我们在乎”倡议,我们不仅希望向公众宣传回收利用和循环经济。我们还与世界各地的同事保持沟通,提升大家对可持续发展的认识。 因为归根结底,重要的是先“从自身做起”。
例如,布鲁克纳集团印度公司参与了当地“瓶子置换”活动。 作为该项目的一部分,我们的同事每周都会收集他们的塑料瓶交给这个公益组织。这些瓶子在工厂被切成细薄片,然后再次被加工制成纺织物、手袋、百叶窗和其他有用的产品。
依托遍布世界的分支我们架起了互通的桥梁。新冠疫情之初,西格斯多夫和弗赖拉辛工厂周边地区的口罩和消毒剂短缺,在布鲁克纳机械(中国)有限公司的帮助下我们得以多次为特劳恩施泰因山和伯希特斯加地区提供防护口罩、消毒剂和一次性手套。仅在该地区的疗养院、医院、注册医生及其他组织如当地消防队等,我们就提供了超过十万个口罩。凯孚尔公司则生产并提供了120 万个防护面罩在全球使用。通过这种方式,我们借助遍布世界的资源践行地方责任。
布鲁克纳集团也意味着集体。特别是员工健康方面,我们认为平衡的社会环境是实现长期福祉的重要组成部分。 因此,我们发起并推广健身活动包括跑步、普拉提或背部培训,并在许多地区有健身日以及健身设施或运动器材的折扣活动。 除了这些健身活动外,我们还推广个人健康服务,如公司医疗服务、疫苗接种或按摩等,并为有需要的同事提供专项援助资金。
公平和社会化的工作环境为个人发展创造了条件。为了使我们的员工能够充分发挥他们的才能,我们每天都致力于进一步改善我们的工作环境。 例如,在布鲁克纳集团的许多公司中,工作时间可以灵活安排。
我们通过家庭友好措施如居家办公或在西格斯多夫的公司幼儿园工作确保家庭和事业的健康平衡。 此外,我们还提供优质的工作环境, 设计大方的办公楼、完善的食堂设施和现代化的办公设备。
申请截止日期为 9 月 30 日,次年开始培训。
申请截止日期为 9 月 30 日,次年开始培训。
与我们一起,您不仅可以学习您想要的专业,还可以将您的知识应用到不同的领域。总之,在我们看来将所学知识付诸实践非常重要。这意味着您可以出谋划策,排忧解难,对工作负责。 因为我们希望您在培训结束时成为行业中的佼佼者!
在 PackSys Global 担任学徒后,您将开启许多可能性。无论是技术、机械还是商务领域,我们将为您提供良好的培训,您将接受很多令人激动的任务和挑战。我们拥有强大的团队,从一言一行为您提供支持。因为我们期待您在学徒期结束时表现出色留在我们身边!
新学徒的评估大约在学徒期(8 月)开始前一年结束。 培训地点是我们在吕蒂的分支机构,在布格多夫有EFZ 设计工程师的培训点。